Bolivia – Misereor


Bolivia has one of the highest deforestation rates in the world and is home to some of the richest terrestrial ecosystems in terms of biodiversity. From the Andes to the Amazon, a major challenge is to avoid the extension of the agricultural frontier and preserve forests through the integrative use of safs, thus maintaining their ecosystem services.

In the foothills of the Bolivian Andes, we see two visions of different resource use: 1) migrants from the Andes, who have been burning the forest and implementing monocultures for approximately 60 years; and 2) local indigenous peoples (Mosetenes, Lecos, Chimanes, Tacanas and others) who practice subsistence agriculture in lowlands complemented by hunting and gathering. The former have entered into a “fallow crisis” where soils are depleted, production is low, attacks by pests and diseases are constantly increasing, and the use of agrochemicals. The challenges are worsened by climate change, which manifests itself in extreme climatic events, prolonged droughts and the abrupt increase in heat that affects working conditions.

The current phase of the project provides follow-up to the families of farmers with Dynamic Agro Forestry (DAF), on the management of wooden trees (pruning at height and management of DAF systems from 10 to 20 years old). In cooperation with the Palos Blancos Municipality, campaigns are organised for the production of unburned highland rice and the promotion of dynamic agroforestry. On-farm research quantifying the effect of pruning accompanying tree species on cocoa production is carried out in cooperation with the research project SysCom Sara Ana-FIBL.




MISEREOR supports the weakest members of society: the poor, the sick, the hungry and the disadvantaged. It is of no importance whether those in need of help are men or women, what religious beliefs they hold or where they come from. To love one’s neighbour is a basic attitude of Christian life, and MISEREOR’s vocation is to translate this attitude into concrete action; the poor are our sisters and brothers, who have a right to a life of dignity. MISEREOR supports them in realising it. The organisation does not pursue any ends other than the promotion of development. The mandate given to MISEREOR by the German Bishops rules out the promotion of pastoral or missionary measures.

Project info

RegionLatin America
Work areaCocoa, food production, diversification, dynamic agroforestry, preparation of non-flame land
DurationJul 2016 – Jun 2019
Beneficiaries150 familias están implementando y gestionando Agricultura Forestal Dinàmica
Target Group7 comunidades interculturales y 3 comunidades indígenas en la Región del Alto Beni
Financed byMISEREOR – Germany