Bolivia – Liechtensteiner Entwicklungsdienst

Comprehensive educational programs in syntropic agroforestry and holistic leadership based on the production dynamics of the Alto Beni region
La Paz department – Bolivia

To implement comprehensive education in syntropic agrofestry and holistic leadership, building up young farmers, professionals, and communities in the Alto Beni region, municipalities of Caranavi and Palos Blancos, La Paz department, Bolivia.


ECOTOP developed training experiences for young farmers and producer families in the Alto Beni and adjacent Beni region. Since 2007, modular training for pundits in Sustainable Production Systems – SAFS, endorsed by the Rural Academic Unit of Carmen Pampa, part of the Catholic Bolivian University, have been conducted

The current project’s intent and motivation concern improving the level of hierarchy in a formal and comprehensive higher education, and articulating the unsatisfied needs of young farmers who are interested in learning and practicing an agriculture that resolves the production issues in the Alto Beni region, one that is environment-friendly and sustainable, and that gives a sense of holistic life to families and communities.

Thus, the project intends to work with young professionals and local technicians who are in search of a sustainable agriculture. This will be achieved through a revision of the first in-depth study course in comprehensive, sustainable systems and holistic leadership, since there is no type of complementary training in the region.

Therefore, this project intends to give the region a production alternative by completing two cycles of professional training, which is the comprehensive education of expert farmers within Successional Agroforestry Systems; through on- and off-site events on plots belonging to the trainees; and through reinforcing holistic leadership. The completion of a higher education in-depth study course in Syntropic Agroforestry is also intended for professionals and technicians.




It is a private foundation of the population and the government of Liechtenstein founded in 1965. At the request of the Liechtenstein government implements bilateral cooperation for development, works mainly in rural areas in the fields of education, health and rural development. It gives priority in all activities to the promotion of women, social justice and the environment.


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Project info

RegionLatin America – Bolivia
Work areaCapacity building and training
DurationJul 2017 – Jun 2020
BeneficiariesEight hundred (800) producer families from intercultural and indigenous communities, cocoa cooperatives.
Target GroupThree hundred (300) farmers with plots of land according to Successional Agroforestry Systems (SAFS). Sixty (60) young professionally trained people. Twenty-five (25) professionals/technicians in in-depth study course.
Financed byLiechtensteiner Development Service LED