Ecotop Suisse GmbH is an independent branch located in Steckborn, Switzerland, specializing in providing services for rural development in Latin America, Africa, Asia, and Oceania. Our primary focus is on sustainable agriculture, utilizing the natural dynamics of ecosystems such as Syntropic Farming, Successional Agroforestry, and Dynamic Agroforestry.

At Ecotop Suisse, our objective is to foster the integrated development of individuals and their agricultural practices, with a deep understanding of the principles of life as a central pillar for sustainable development.

Conceptual and technical assistance for the establishment of sustainable production systems that leverage natural processes in species succession, catering to both small and large-scale farming operations.

Evaluation and management of production systems based on specific certification schemes and carbon in-setting, ensuring compliance with environmental standards.

Assessment and implementation of participatory internal control systems for certifications such as Organic and Fair Trade, promoting transparency and accountability.

Capacity building and training programs for technicians and trainers, equipping them with the knowledge and skills necessary to drive sustainable agricultural practices.

Designing comprehensive training programs in agro-ecology, providing a holistic understanding of ecological principles and their application in agricultural systems.

At Ecotop Suisse, we recognize that everything starts with understanding the interconnected nature of wholes and parts. Unlike machines, living systems cannot simply be fixed by replacing or repairing individual components. We embrace a holistic approach that acknowledges the intricate relationships within ecosystems, guiding our work towards sustainable and regenerative practices in agriculture.

By collaborating with us, you gain access to our expertise and experience in promoting sustainable agriculture, working in harmony with nature for the benefit of both humans and the environment.

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